It’s so easy to get caught up in the hurly burly of life and lose track of ourselves. I’m a mother, entrepreneur, friend, dog-lover, wife (albeit separated, I have to say that or Marc freaks out!) I wear a lot of hats, and do a lot of things. And if you think a separated husband takes up any less energy than a live-in husband, think again. Even though I think I am better at cultivating pleasure on a daily basis than the average Jane, I still get carried away. Mostly, because I love what I’m doing here at Pleasure Evolution! Partly because I’m a recovering iron maiden, who is too capable for her own good and so ends up trying to do everything. But I digress. Periodically, I hit the wall, and need to recharge my batteries.
Last week, I wrote about the importance of heeding inner promptings. I got my message loud and clear, and spent a couple of days in stop mode. For me, that looked like… spending the day in my fuzzy blue pajamas with a big bowl of popcorn and old episodes of West Wing and 30 Rock. Ohh, I did a little work, I confess. I taped a terrific radio show with Dr. Anna Garrett on hormone balance and regaining your mojo during menopause. If you missed it, it lives on in the archives at blogtalkradio. But mostly, I allowed myself to just be. I meditated and journaled. I laughed with Tina Fey, and cried when Toby Ziegler went to the homeless vets funeral. I reveled in my return to my nightly moisturizing ritual; there is nothing like the feeling of warm water on your face on a cold evening. And my blue fuzzy pajamas are soft to the touch and make me want to feel myself up, so I do!
And lo and behold, new creativity blossomed. A project that has been in my mental parking lot for weeks now suddenly emerged, full blown. And so Fast Track to Pleasure launched this week. It’s my first program open to both women and men, so that’s exciting. And it enables more people to come work with me for a very affordable fee. Mostly, I’m just happy to have found my spark again.
Today, I found myself feeling very energized, and also teary. I’ve been working with the idea that it is a both/and world. I can be scared and i can be okay. I can be content and I can feel sad. When I slow down, I am present to all the nuances of feeling. And this is what a pleasurable sensual life is all about.
What are the contradictions you are living with? What do you do when you need to reboot? Don’t you just love Bradley Whitford and Rob Lowe?
Pleasurably Yours,
PS – I’ve extended the special bonus on Fast Track to Pleasure. Sign up by Midnight Friday, and it is only $99 PLUS you get a bonus energy integration session for free!