It’s my practice every morning to meditate and journal. At some point in almost every session, I find my pen racing across the paper, faster than I can think. I ask questions, and express doubts, and the answers emerge. Whether the words come from my inner knowing, or a Higher Being like Abraham or Seth, I’ll let you decide. I call the source The Scarlet Mystic. Here’s this morning’s message, may it help make your journey a little brighter, to know that you aren’t alone.
I started with an affirmation from The Abundance Book, by John Randolph Price (published by Hay House, Inc. 1987). “I am conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of Infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the light of Truth.” p 30
The Scarlet Mystic: There is an unlimited field of prosperity just waiting for you to tap into it. See yourself walking into a field of flowers stretching as far as the eye can see. It is up to you to start gathering the blossoms. Pick them, keep picking them until your arms are overflowing. You can’t exhaust the supply. The field will never run out. Put those in some buckets and go back and pick some more. Strew them across your bed, across your path. Walk upon them and let the heady scent of their petals fill your senses. Revel in the beauty, smell, touch, even taste of them.
Worried about losing something you already have?
Then you have forgotten the bountiful field. Look again with your inner eyes. The field stretches out into eternity, filled with people waiting to love you. Wanting to appreciate, respect, and cherish you. Ready to make exquisite love to you. Don’t be afraid that one man is going to leave you, or that fun you are having now will come to an end. It is beneath you. You have a story that you are unworthy, and that the passage of time and people in and out of your life says something about you. It doesn’t. They are part of the endless creation of Infinite Abundance Mind within you. Their leaving (or loss) is merely making way for the next most beautiful, most vibrant and more fulfilling creation to manifest.
Me: And yet, I still crave some reassurance. I get this all intellectually and to a certain point I can feel it.
SM: Feel it more fully. Right Now.
Me: I feel energy moving through my body, like chills. I feel blessed. Yes. I can be full and still want more. Yes. I can have everything, and even more of everything will be delivered.
Me: And it is in the recognition of the fact that I already have everything, that I will realize the truth of it.
SM: Yes. You already have it all, because you already ARE it all.
Me: That’s deep.
SM: That’s truth.
(I was suddenly filled with a longing to be made love to . . . slowly, with no agenda where it was going, a complete sinking into moment to moment pleasure with a man who rides my wave. The pleasure so exquisite, the connection so deep that I lose track of where he begins and I end. That would be to see the face of God.)
SM: And so it shall be. You only have to think your request, and the wheel’s start turning. Creation is in motion. Picture yourself walking through the field of Infinite Love now. Bodies, beautiful bodies everywhere, yours for the taking, the enjoying. But it’s more than that. Feel the Love Field. Humming, throbbing, it comes from outside you and meets up with that which is within you, and there is no separation. No individuation that really matters. It is all One. One mind, one heart,one substance that makes up all creation. You don’t need to seek it. You are it.