Well, not exactly. She ate my book bag, destroying the hardware on the strap of my very nice, cushioned laptop carrier.
You see, she wanted to go outside, and I was on “a very important conference call,” so I ignored her. Hey, at least she didn’t pee on the rug! Pets and kids are very good at letting their needs and wants be known. They don’t have the filter that tells them it isn’t polite, or that what they want is unnecessary or frivolous. They also refuse to be ignored.
Adults have a ways to go in acknowledging our own desires. And women? We are often so busy putting everyone else first, we have forgotten what it feels like to yearn for something. Have you ever noticed how ignoring a small child just causes them to up the anti? The tantrum gets louder and more insistent. The dog stops ringing the jingle bell on the door and progresses to chewing what she shouldn’t. Our deeply held desires are like that too. If you keep ignoring the small, still voice from within, it will begin ramping up the volume. You know you could be doing more fulfilling work, but it is so much easier to keep collecting a paycheck rather than confront your fears. Suddenly you get downsized out the door. Your relationship has flat lined, and you would rather watch tv than have the same boring sex? Don’t be surprised to find flirtatious e-mails to a co-worker on your husband’s e-mail.
If you wait for the universe to create necessary change, it will sometimes be a shock. Why not pay attention now, of your own volition, to the whispering from your soul? it wants to go out and play in the sunshine.