There are lots of things that stop us from going after what we want.  I call these the bogeymen of Desire. One of the top five is the fear that what we desire is frivolous and not worth the money.   Today I want to answer both these objections, with some inspiration and a special payment plan offer.

I once heard an old Jewish proverb, “It is only by following our own desires, that we discover what God wants of us.”  Allowing yourself to recognize your passion and follow it is key to actualizing your potential.  It is how you unlock your unique contribution to the world.  Here’s another quote, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” — Frederich Buechner . For women, this is especially important, because our happiness spreads out to those around us.  So does our unhappiness. The dissatisfaction and anger of women destroys relationships, health and prosperity. By desiring, we create!

I don’t want you to make cash flow a reason to miss being in the Desire Course, which will not be given again until next spring.  You can take advantage of a three payment plan, that I am making available for the next 24 hours only.

Join us for just three monthly payments of $100 by clicking here.

If you can’t be with us, I hope you will take some time this weekend to be with us in spirit.  Start dreaming your ideal life.  Create a want list.  And swim in the beautiful energy of desire with us.

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