I was going to leave it go this week. Just blame it on the holidays, and give the newsletter a break. Everyone is writing about gratitude anyway, so I don’t have to. And then I discovered the idea at the right, in the book A Happy Pocket Full of Money, by David Cameron Gikandi. He goes on to write, “All of life is a success, full of successive moments. ” Gikandi’s idea is that what looks like failure, is actually a perfect step on your guaranteed path to success. I love this way of framing our past! It feels way more enlivening than to beat myself up, for all the supposed things wrong I have done. The glitches in the website, the opportunities not taken, the broken relationships, the businesses that came to an end with bank balances in the red.
So, here is my wish for this Thanksgiving day… May we be grateful for ALL of it. May we always see the cornucopia of abundance that is all around us, even if the bank balance looks low and the cupboard bare. May we see everything that has happened as leading us to our desired outcome, for the highest good of all concerned. May we learn from every experience, in a way that has us do it more skillfully next time. And may we always be willing to see how so-called adversity serves us, and use it to catapult us to our highest vision of who we can be in this world.
With Gratitude for you, my dear friends and readers,