Last week, I was giving the dogs their final evening walk. It was hot, and I was wearing nothing but a sarong, knotted across my chest. The sky was indigo and the air was warm, and there was not a soul to be seen. It’s a small apartment complex that is backed by an industrial building, vacant at that late hour. The dogs sniff everything and do their business, when suddenly, an idea comes over me. A wild hare.
“Drop your sarong.” I think. I resist it. What if someone sees? But it keeps nagging at me. They say do something every day that scares you. What IF someone sees? I think. It’s legal to go topless anywhere in Asheville. I wriggle the sarong down over my breasts to rest around my waist. The breeze caresses my skin. I feel exultant and free and wanton. I round the corner and pass several apartments, their televisions flickering behind venetian blinds. The danger of being spotted makes it a little more exciting. I make it to the apartment unseen. I feel all the hairs standing up on my arms.My bare breasts tingle, and my heart races. I feel vibrantly alive.
A few days later, I finally find a new place to live, and it manifests even more beautifully than I had imagined. I sit on the back porch drinking tea, as the sun and breeze caress my skin, and I am unbelievably grateful. A week later, I meet a juicy new person, who makes me tingle all over. I feel capable of anything and beautiful. Coincidence? I think not. I cultivate my wildness, pleasure and joy, and the universe sends me more of the same.
What’s the most daring thing you’ve done lately? And if you can’t name anything. What are you going to do next?
I am ready to find a new place to relocate and start hormone therapy and be forced into womanhood. Trained daily
While housesitting this past summer I experienced skinny dipping in pools of two houses I cared for. It felt great, exciting!
I’ve found a secluded spot at my local park and visited the spot several times after work seeing no one in site, only majestic views. The last time I was there, I disrobed and sat for a intense meditation session. Next thing I know 2 hours later I’m venturing off feeling one with Mother nature.