What would it be like to allow yourself to Desire more? What might you go after? What would knowing you deserve everything you desire do to change your life? This class is for you if you don’t know what you desire, if you do know, but you don’t feel like you deserve, or you have no idea how to get it.
You’ll learn:
- The difference between identifying the desires of the mind vs. the desires that arise from the body
- Why women in particular have become divorced from our desire current
- The ill effects of unhappy women
- The bogeymen of claiming desire
- Discovering what will work for us (hint – it’s about what turns you on!)
- What is required to allow us to choose for us
- Using the tools of Access Consciousness to release limitations, shame and conditioning around our bodies, and our desires in the bedroom and beyond
This 90 minute class was recorded live in Asheville.